Name: Jacob Lehmkuhl
Hometown: Clinton, Iowa
Major and Graduation Date: Horticulture, August 2018
Favorite ISU Class: I really enjoyed the Horticulture classes that incorporated hands-on learning in the field. Being able to step outside the classroom and implement the curriculum in the landscape helped shape my skills and knowledge to be applied in future applications. From identifying plants, to diagnosing pests, designing new landscapes, assessing construction projects, testing equipment, or researching new technologies, there was always something different and exciting to learn.
Job Title & Employer: Horticulturist of Landscape Development, Augusta National Golf Club
Major Job/Position Responsibilities: As the Horticulturist of Landscape Development at the Augusta National Golf Club, I help design, plan, and install various landscape projects. I assist with the collaboration of ideas, drawing of plans, configuration of costs, layout of designs, selection of plants, operation of heavy equipment, installation of materials, application of plant health care programs, and general maintenance of the landscape. I lead and work alongside a team of talented individuals who help maintain, enhance, and grow the landscape, history, and traditions of the Club.
What you like most about your job/position? One of the unique aspects of my job is the size and scale of the landscape projects that we create. We harvest, transport, and install large full-grown plants that require heavy machinery such as excavators, forklifts, and sometimes cranes. These plants range in size from small containers to large-spaded baskets or hand dug trees weighing over 100,000 lbs. Our goal is to create a mature landscape that appears like it has always been there.
What advice would you give to current students pursuing a career in Agriculture and Life Sciences? I recommend working at various internships throughout college as they are good work experiences and learning opportunities. They often reinforce what you have learned in class by applying your knowledge in the workplace and help teach you career building skills. These internships are also great resume builders for future employment opportunities.